Daily Archives: January 8, 2009

Bhutanese refugees: forgotten generations see small glimmer of hope

“I was forced to be a refugee when I was a fetus in my mother’s womb,” lamented sixteen year old Indra Acharya. “It is very sad to be forced to be a refugee before your birth.”

Indra was born and has lived all his life in one of the seven refugee camps in Nepal’s south eastern Terai districts of Jhapa and Morang. Like tens of thousands of other Bhutanese of Nepali ancestry, Indra’s family was expelled from Bhutan in the early 1990’s and became refugees in Nepal.

A life in limbo

For almost two decades, the Bhutanese refugees have been living in Nepal, waiting for a resolution of the crisis that forced them to flee. Sixteen failed bilateral discussions between the Governments of Bhutan and Nepal have meant that generations have been lost with nowhere to go and little to look forward to in the future.

“The young generation is becoming increasingly frustrated because they want jobs and educational opportunities,” said Menuka Nepal, the volunteer camp secretary, “The youth do not want to be confined to the camps longer than is necessary.”

The over 100,000 displaced Bhutanese have no legal access to land or jobs in their host country, Nepal. With no means of cultivating food and limited opportunities for economic alternatives for self sufficiency, the refugees have been entirely dependent on international aid organizations for their survival.

Camp life

In spite of their uncertain future, many who live in the camps have volunteered their time and skills to better the lives of their communities. Chandra Maya Khatiwada is thirty five years old and has lived almost half of her life as a refugee. She lives with her husband, teenage son and parents in a simple bamboo hut in one of the refugee camps.

One week after her arrival in the camps in Nepal, the nineteen year old Chandra Maya volunteered her medical services in the refugee camps. Between 1993 and 2003, Chandra Maya helped more than five hundred babies into this world. For fifteen years, Chandra Maya has waited for the chance to go back home to Bhutan, but with little hope.

New horizons for some

After years, the forgotten Bhutanese refugees saw the possibility of a chance for the future. The United States, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and Denmark have offered to resettle nearly 90,000 refugees. Together with her family, Chandra Maya has signed up for resettlement in the United States and is looking forward to a new beginning. However, only half of the refugees have enrolled their interest for a third country resettlement; with some hankering for the chance of repatriation and others wishing to stay in Nepal.

Chandra Bir Thapa is 71 years old and spends much of his time in the camp’s Elderly People’s Recreation Centre, where the refugee men gather daily to read newspapers sing, pray, discuss and keep the memories of Bhutan alive. Chandra Bir’s dream is to be able to return to Bhutan one day. “I will not restrict my other family members [to resettle]; either I will go back to Bhutan – if people are taken back with dignity and respect – or I will stay in Nepal.” He said. “I am too old and my memory is fading, what will I do in a third country without understanding the language there?”

Whatever choices the refugees now have, the solutions have been slow in coming and humanitarian assistance alone will not help without real political will to solve the plight of already lost generations.

Long term assistance

The European Commission has been assisting the refugees for the last seven years, through the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), with almost €26 million for food aid and camp management. The humanitarian assistance has made a practical difference to the refugees’ lives; food, shelter, access to water, health services, education and vocational training, but they remain confined and stateless.

Malini Morzaria
Regional Information Officer
Autumn 2008

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In response to the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) Emergency Appeal 6.8 million US dollars (4.9 million euro, 7.2 million Swiss franc) which was launched to support its response to the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, the Malaysian Red Crescent (MRC), appeal to generous Malaysians to donate to the MRCS International Relief Fund to alleviate the sufferings of victims that is being witnessed on the ground in Gaza and shows once again that civilians are paying the ultimate price in terms of loss of life and mounting numbers of wounded.

The appeal was launched today at the Press Conference Presided by YM Tunku Tan Sri Dato’ Shahriman Tunku Sulaiman, the MRC National Chairman at MRC National Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur. As a partner in the Movement, the National Chairman announced that the Malaysian Red Crescent donated USD10, 000 to the Palestine Red Crescent Society special account in Ramallah Al Balad Branch, as an immediate response to the appeal. The funds will be used initially to finance the purchase of medicines, relief items and also for the Post Rehabilitation and Recovery projects. At the moment the PRCS spearheads emergency medical evacuations on the ground in Gaza and remains at its highest state of alert in the Occupied Territories.  

The Malaysian Red Crescent will mobilize two Personnel in order to support the PRCS. They are one Medical Doctor – Dr. Hj Yahaya Abu Ahmad and Mr. Nasir Khan Abdul Rahman – Relief Personnel. Next team is ready to be deployed if the requirement or assistance required.

Currently, we are working closely with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to help in whatever way necessary.

Donors can sent cheques or cash to the following address:

Secretary General
Malaysian Red Crescent Society
National Headquarters
32, Jalan Nipah off Jalan Ampang
55000 Kuala Lumpur

Cheques should be made out to the “MRCS International Relief Fund” written at the back GAZA CITY  or bank in into MRCS Account Maybank No – 5144 2210 2657. Donations to the MRCS are entitled to Tax –Exemption.

Contribution to the humanitarian response:

ICRC is the lead agency and working closely with PRCS in emergency response in the field.  Meanwhile, the ICRC’s team in the Gaza Strip – 9 expatriates and 65 Palestinian employees – is taking all possible measures to support the work of the PRCS in hospital and medical facilities.

In brief, the ICRC has provided:

  • War Wounded Kits (10 kits for 100 wounded) covering the immediate needs of some 1,000 wounded
  • Dressing kits (60 kits for 50 patients) covering the immediate needs of some 3,000 people
  • Medical Supply (80 palettes including plaster of Paris kits, Infusion kits, Sutures kits, injection kits, gloves kits, anaesthesia kit, medical equipments – OT lamps, hospitals beds, instruments, autoclave, various infusions, injectables, urines bags and chest tubes.
  • Supported the transport of 600 hundred blood units from Ramallah to Gaza
  • Transferred to Gaza 5 ambulances donated by the Qatari Red Crescent for the PRCS
  • Positioned in preparation to land attack:

           –    2 war – wounded kits (100 patients ) in 2 hospitals in the South (1 in each facility)
           –    1 war –  wounded kits (100 patients ) within the ICRC residence
           –    Expect to send 2 war- wounded kits (100 patients/kits ) in the north

  • Provided plastic sheeting to the Nasser pediatric hospital (Gaza City), Al Edwan, psychiatric and pediatric hospital in Gaza North, mattresses and beds to shifa hospital (20), bed sheets (160) to various hospitals and blankets to Ali Arab hospital.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society working round the clock providing extra staff to hospitals, while workers and volunteers have been helping to evacuate the dead and the wounded from damaged or destroyed buildings since the beginning of the Israeli offensive. Around 100 PRCS volunteers, 60 emergency medical technicians, 120 medical staff were actively involved to provide emergency care in the Gaza Strip. PRCS has established and operates six hospitals to provide services where the means are limited and the needs are great.

Seven National Societies (German Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross, Italian Red Cross and Qatari Red Cross) maintain representation in the West Bank and operate under the security framework of the ICRC.

The International Federation supports the Egyptian Red Crescent and develops together with it contingency planning regarding a potential massive influx of people across the border. ICRC will include the re-establishment of Restoring Family Links (RFL) component for those in needs.

Violations against PRCS and other Health Care Providers:

A PRCS volunteers, Arafa Abdul Dayem, was killed while on humanitarian duty, after an Israeli airstrike attacked a location in Al Salheen area in Jabaliya. The volunteer with other medical personnel from Al Awada hospital were trying to evacuate a number of injuries when a second airstrike hit the same location. Two other medical personnel were injured in this incident.

The Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS)

The Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) had its beginnings in 1948, and was formally authorized by statute under the Malaysian Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act, 1965. MRCS is mandated by the Government of Malaysia to carry out humanitarian and relief activities, whether in peace or war.

As an auxiliary to the government, the body is committed to being in the frontlines to dispense aid, when ever or where ever distress may occur. MRCS is one of the 186 National Red Cross Red Crescent Society (NSs) throughout the world and is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, founded in 1919 and is therefore a beneficiary of the Federation’s vast network of resources.
All Red Crescent disaster and humanitarian assistance are free, made possible by voluntary donations of time and money from the public.
The Society’s mission does not end with the protection and preservation of life during catastrophes and tragedies. It is also concerned with other aspects of welfare of all communities especially under privileged, handicapped and other humanitarian works.

For further details please contact:

Suhana Mohamed Salleh
Manager Communications
Malaysian Red Crescent
32, Jalan Nipah off Jalan Ampang
55000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel    :    603 – 4257 8122 ext 106
Mobile:    012 – 321 2937
Fax    :    603 – 4257 9867 / 4253 3191
e-mail:    suhana@redcrescent.org.my

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Filed under Bencana Manusia, Humanitarian

Curtain of Death – Yayasan Salam


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Filed under Belasungkawa, Bencana Manusia

Rapat Umum Selamatkan Gaza


Rakyat Malaysia di jemput hadir dalam Rapat Umum Selamatkan Gaza bagi menyatakan sokongan terhadap rakyat Palestin di Gaza dan mengutuk kezaliman yang dilakukan olah rejim Zionis ke atas mereka.

Anjuran: Aman Palestin
Tarikh: 10 Januari 2009m/13 Muharram 1430h
Masa: 10 pagi hingga 12 tengahari.
1-      Menyatakan kebersamaan rakyat Malaysia dalam menghadapi penderitaan yang dialami oleh rakyat Palestin di Gaza.
2-      Memberi sokongan dan kepedulian rakyat Malaysia terhadap saudara mereka di Gaza.
3-      Megutuk kezaliman yang dilakukan oleh rejim Zionis Yahudi ke atas rakyat Palestin di Gaza.
Aktiviti: Tayangan multimedia, deklamasi sajak, perasmian kempen Selamatkan Gaza, ucapan khas isu Gaza, doa dan lain-lain. 

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