Tag Archives: Humanitarian

Kain Pelikat: Catatan Petugas MRA

Melihat Cikgu Azmi berkain pelekat ketika berada di bumi Gaza baru-baru ini sangat mengkagumkan. Walaupun saya lebih senang berbaju Melayu lengkap, saya tetap hormat dan menyanjung tinggi orang yang memilih untuk terus-terusan berkain pelekat. Malah saya juga gemar bersamping kain pelekat. Saya kira, seorang lelaki Melayu pasti memiliki paling kurang 4 helai kain pelikat dalam simpanannya pada sesuatu masa.

Berkain pelekat ke seminar dan konferens memang sesuatu yang asing lagi janggal di Malaysia, malah kalau kita memakai kain pelekat pergi kerja itu sudah masuk ke kategori membuang tabiat, Kain pelekat adalah pakaian ibadah di Malaysia. Dipakai untuk ke Masjid dan Surau, atau untuk menghadiri kenduri kendara jiran sekampung.


Kain pelekat yang sudah koyak menjadi alas kaki atau menjadi sarung buah nangka sahaja. Masa kecil-kecil dahulu, saya selalu menjadikan kain pelikat yang diserkup dikepala, diikat dibelakang kepala dan kemudian dibuka perlahan-lahan dibahagian mata untuk menakutkan orang yang lalu dijalan sunyi – ikatan ala-ala Ninja.

Kain pelikat juga selain dipopularkan didalam lagu oleh penyanyi Anuar Zain turut dipopularkan oleh penyanyi Herman Tino dengan cara berbeza iaitu beliau sentiasa menyandang sehelai kain pelikat kemana saja dia pergi.

Di Thailand, di kawasan majoriti Melayu, kain pelekat dipakai sepanjang masa, nelayan menangkap ikan memakai kain pelekat, bermain bola juga berkain pelekat, tetapi disesuaikan ikatannya agar lebih senang berlari dan tidak terlucut tatkala di depan gawang gol. Kain pelekat juga dijadikan sebagai semutar (semacam serban) dililit dikepala, kain ini dipastikan sentiasa bersih senang untuk dibawa solat.

Di Somalia, kain pelekat juga dipakai sepanjang masa, bukan dalam waktu solat sahaja, mereka yang menjadi bodyguard juga kadang kala memakai kain pelekat walaupun menyandang senjata, yang menjadi lanun menawan kapal dagang yang membawa muatan jutaan dollar juga hanya berkain pelekat. Negara kemarau dan sentiasa diancam kebuluran ini memandang tinggi kepada kain pelikat, setiap seorang lelaki Somalia mesti memiliki kain pelikat didalam rumahnya. Kenapa saya katakan mereka memandang tinggi kepada kain pelikat? Sebabnya harga biasa bagi kain pelikat yang sederhana disana adalah sekitar USD70, lebih kurang RM210.


Di Myanmar, di Rangoon, Mandalay dan Sitwe, wilayah dan daerah yang telah saya kunjungi… hampir kesemuanya berkain pelekat. Kain pelekat dipanggil lonji disini. Pemandu beca berkain pelekat, pemandu teksi berkain pelekat, kakitangan kerajaan berkain pelekat, malah yang lebih menarik lagi, Perdana Menteri dan menteri-menteri kabinet juga berkain pelekat. Exco kerajaan negeri juga berkain pelekat. Pendeknya, kain pelekat bukan pakaian untuk ibadah semata, tetapi menjadi pakaian rasmi menyambut tetamu dari luar. Disini, sama seperti di Indonesia, kain pelekat ada iklan didalam TV. Model untuk kain pelikat adalah artis popular yang mempunyai ramai peminat.

Pemakaian kain pelikat di Myanmar agak menarik, kalau kakitangan pejabat kerajaan, mereka akan memakai baju kemeja “tuck in” kedalam kain pelikat. Tidak ada salahnya untuk selitkan dompet, handphone, kunci kereta mahupun payung dicelah pinggang persis pengantin lelaki Melayu meletak keris hiasan di pinggang.

Cara ikatan kain pelikat yang digunakan oleh kebanyakkan orang di Malaysia dan Indonesia saya gelar sebagai ikatan popia, sebab dia nampak macam popia yang digulung.. manakala ikatan kain pelikat di Myanmar saya panggil ikatan bonjot, nampak macam nak terlucut je tapi kukuh sebenarnya. Ikatan bonjot nie semacam ikatan samping P.Ramlee dalam filem madu tiga.

Di Myanmar, semua orang berkain pelikat biarpun apa agama yang dianutinya. Buddha, Islam dan Kristian semua berkain pelikat. Kalau boleh dibezakan pun, yang Muslim akan memakai kain pelikat berkotak-kotak besar sedangkan yang lain suka corak kotak-kotak yang halus dan kecil.

Saya tidak dapat nak bercerita tentang kisah kain pelikat di India, Sri Lanka, Maldives dan lain-lain kerana saya belum sampai lagi ke sana. Nak mereka-reka cerita ni bukan hobi saya.

Di Afghanistan, kain pelekat digunakan sebagai kain serban oleh pihak Northern Alliance, jadi jangan sebarangan memakai kain pelekat seperti di Malaysia takut memberi tanggapan lain kepada penduduk tertentu disana, boleh jadi memudaratkan diri nanti. Hati-hati kawan, jangan sampai pulang ke Malaysia dalam kargo nanti…

Catatan Santai di Buhtatung, Rangoon


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Menikmati “Shueyeyeh” di Kota Rangoon

Kata orang Rangoon sekarang dah nak masuk musim sejuk… Tapi aku rasa panas terik lebih terik dari di Chuping, Perlis. Menghadapi panas melampau nie memerlukan kita untuk sentiasa segar dan mendapat banyak air, sebanyak mungkin.

Dalam melilau nak menunggu waktu solat setelah menyelesaikan beberapa urusan yang berkaitan dengan tugasan di lapangan, kami terjumpa gerai Kakak nie di hadapan sebuah kedai menjual peralatan gantian untuk barangan elektronik.


Kami berbual dalam bahasa Inggeris bercampur aduk, janji komunikasi berlaku… aku faham dia pun faham. Aku tanya dia “benda nie makan macamana?” Kakak tu kata (dia explain dalam bahasa Burma) “roti campur agar-agar campur cendol campur kelapa bla..bla..” Nampak cam lazat dan menyelerakan betul.

Dipendekkan, aku dan Ashraff masing-masing ambil sorang satu mangkuk. Memang sedap, konsepnya sama cam Lai Chee Kang, ada ais ketul, cuma dia tak de segala macam kacang, kismis, kembang semangkuk, selasih tu semua… dia hanya ada roti manis yang terendam ditengah-tengah mangkuk, agar-agar, cendol hijau, agar-agar bulat-bulat, santan kelapa dan isi kelapa yang diracik halus.


Harga pun tak mahal dalam Kyat500 je, lebih kurang RM1.50…

Mesti korang tanya halal ke tidak? Main rembat je… memanglah iklan kakak nie semua dalam bahasa Burma, sepatah haram aku tak faham, tapi ada satu benda yang menyebabkan kami berhenti… dia ada gambar bulan bintang pada iklan dia tu… sahlah nie geng 786.


Jadi, kalau korang ada kesempatan berkunjung ke Rangoon, cubalah cari “Shueyeyeh” nie… ingat Pop Ye Yeh ingat Shueyeyeh!

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Bertukar pendapat sambil menikmati Roti Canai di Yala

Bertukar pendapat sambil menikmati Roti Canai di Yala

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera kepada semua…

Serangan terbaru ke atas Gaza, kezaliman berterusan ke atas Syria dan penindasan tanpa sempadan kepada penduduk Islam Rohingya terus menjadi topik utama dunia.

Ianya juga mendorong begitu ramai yang ingin turut terlibat menjadi sukarelawan bagi menawarkan bantuan samada dari segi tenaga, wang ringgit, kepakaran dan masa. Saya amat menghargainya dan mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih. Anda mempunyai jatidiri yang teguh, tahu dan mahu terlibat mengurangkan kesengsaraan dan kesukaran yang dialami oleh mereka yang serba kekurangan, yang tertindas dan teraniaya di luar sana. Syabas.

Saya mohon maaf kerana dalam keadaan terdekat ini, saya tidak mampu untuk menjawab setiap soalan satu persatu secara peribadi seperti dahulu, berada “on the move” dan berada ditempat yang tidak mempunyai coverage internet sedikit sebanyak menangguhkan kerja-kerja alam maya saya ini, justeru, saya memohon izin untuk menghantar kepada anda E-Majallah Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA) yang dikenali sebagai LAPANGAN bagi membolehkan anda semua mengikuti dan memahami apa yang berlaku didalam dunia kemanusiaan dan kesukarelaan, setidak-tidaknya apa yang berlaku didalam MRA itu sendiri.

Saya berjanji untuk menjadi lebih IT Savvy bagi menyampaikan maklumat terkini kepada anda semua., sekali lagi, maaf saya pohon kalau ada yang tertunggu-tunggu jawapan dari saya.



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Pengupayaan Komuniti di Aung Mingalar, Sitwe, Arakan

Sedang menerangkan cara-cara dan kaedah pengagihan untuk penduduk di Aung Mingalar, Sitwe, Arakan.

Ketika berada di Aung Mingalar pada bulan September yang lalu, saya dan Sdr. Johari telah berjaya mengagihkan bantuan dari rakyat Malaysia kepada mangsa-mangsa konflik di Arakan. Kami turut bekerjasama dan meminta bantuan dari penduduk tempatan untuk membantu kami dalam kerja-kerja pengagihan bantuan makanan. Komitmen dan kesungguhan mereka untuk membantu kami amatlah membanggakan dan sangat-sangat dihargai.

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World Refugee Day 2012


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Hari Pelarian Sedunia 2012


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EXPELL Myanmar Ambassador from Kuala Lumpur

Non-stop brutal violences taking place against Rohingyans: Urgent intervention require in Arakan
Press release by NDPHR(exile),

There are on going communal violences growing day to day in inside Arakan/Rakhine state from the day of 3rd June- where 10 muslims massacred in Taungup township. The armed forces who are acting as security forces are sided with Rakhine people and explored more brutal violences against Rohingyans.

The government does not show any sign to stop on going crimes committing by Rakhine people therefore there is in need of international intervention, urgently. Today around 9am, the government ordered to leave all NGOs fnorthern Arakan state..

In brief up to afternoon of today 10 June, at least 200 Rohingyans from Maungdaw and about 30 Rohingyans from Sittwe were shot dead by security forces and other about 50 Rohingyans taken away are missing, Rohingya houses in 30 villages from Maungdaw and Rohingya houses in six villages from Akyab were burn down by Rakhine people. Rohingyans those came out to stop fire were shot dead by security forces. Beside, thousands of Rohingyans homeless and displaced and facing shortage of foods and those injuries are with lack of medic care.

In Akyab/Sittwe city, there are Duamraung and Bumay villages including the mosque near Sittwe airport are still burning. At early morning 4:00am of today, Harzamya village was burnt down, at least 13 Rohingyas were shot dead by Police and Paramilitary Forces, 4 injured.

At around 09:15 am, Police Officer Than Htin killed innocent one Rohingya girl (Ramzaan- 12yrs ) Rohingya boy (Name –Abdu Rahaman-10yrs ) and her brother injured. Dead body was taken by Paramilitary Forces. From yesterday evening, Rakhine people started gangly attacking of Rohingyan villagers and setting fire of their villages after security forces shot fire into the houses. From last night to today early morning, at least dozen of Rohingyans were killed and 30 other were taken away. Arzimya, Nadikya villages were burnt down into ashes.

In Bumay village, under the guide of Rakhine people the police shot dead five Rohingyans during they went into the houses to those Rakhine set fire to go there in order to stop the fire there. Rakhine people are still rounding with lethal knives and chanting with loud speakers- “terminate kala”, “kala-kala.. kill-kill” (‘Kala’ is a racial slur word used to call Rohingya by Rakhine). Several other Rohingyan houses including houses from Kondan-ward were set on fire. It is also confirmed that Rakhine people those came to set fire were entering wearing muslim religious dresses. The local authorities plus police forces are encouraging the Rakhine to eliminate the Rohingyas and set fire at houses. Again early morning today, a group of Rakhine tried to burn Nazi Village but it was stopped by Rohingyan villagers

On previous night of 4 June, A large group of Rakhine people marched to attack the ancient Foktoli mosque and village of Nazi. But it was broke away by security forces after Rohingya villagers came out to resist them.
In Maungdaw township from Friday afternoon, 8 June. Security armed forces involving Rakhine people are acting mainly in shooting and killing of at least 200 Rohingyans and taking away the bodies, burning down 30 Rohingyan villages including religious building, destroying shop lots and looting goods and cash.

NDPHR would like to raise with some escalated the following reports; From Friday at about 2:00pm, 8th of June, the riot police fired more than 40 rounds at about 500 Rohingya peaceful prayers who are going to demonstrate peacefully in Myoma Kayandan village of Maungdaw Town to give the respect to the massacred 10- Muslim in Taungup on June 3. That killed at least two Rohingyas, several other injuries and some houses are burning at the this moment.

Beside, the main central mosque and prayers were attacked by Rakhine people in the presence of riot police. That created furious tension and followed attacking each other. Early morning of 9 June, military forces entered into Hunri-para and shot at Rohyingyas . At least 5 persons death and the bodies were lifted by truck.
Again afternoon, after military guarded Narittardil(ward-5), Rakhine brunt down the mosque.

On the following day the following religious buildings have been torched to burn down; 1)Morcos mosque of Sikdarpara, 2)Noapara mosque, 3)Sambanna and Sarkumbo mosques of Ali Thangyaw.

At midnight of 8 June, the Hlun Htein forces from Ngakura village accompanied by the extremists from the Rakhine village of San Oo Rwa (Hatipra) attacked the Rohingya villagers of the same village, killing one person injuring 3 others. The dead body was carried away by the killers. In many villages, security forces corporately with Rakhine people fired to the Muslim houses. When the inmates left their homes the Rakhine set fire. The villages of Hatalia, Sommonia, Razarbil, Kayandan and San Oo are among those which were also attacked.

From 9 June, the Buddhist monks and Rakhine extremists escorted by security forces were announcing ‘War on Kalas, (war on Rohingyas) along the street of Maungdaw. This message was spread like a wild fire all over Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships. The villagers also confirmed that many security forces dressed in civil clothes but with arms are firing at the Rohingyas.

Despite government authority had mutually approached on following protest near Sulay of Yangon, similar approach was not delivered in Arakan state. In Arakn, the armed forces were sided with Rakhine people and explored more brutal violences against Rohingyans. They also set fire a few Rakhine houses in order to tarnish Rohingyan people’ image.

It’s learnt from the beginning that despite Rohingyan villagers both in Maungdaw and Sittwe are confined within their villages under Curfew order, security forces are shooting at Rohingya villagers with cool blood and Rakhine people are still allowed to attack Rohingyans and to fire houses, to loot goods and cash in the present of security forces.

The due course of pending action against the mass killing of 10 Muslims in Taungup, is also a part of continuing tension between Rakhine and Rohingya communities. While authority has not yet arrested those terror Rakhine people.

All of such violence are direct result from the subject of Arakanese Rohingya Muslims are not entitled to be citizenship under new citizenship law-1982 based on the changes of Rakhine state from Arakan state in 1974. So, Rohingya people have to face oppressions in common and brutal attacks periodically and occasionally.
The mass killing of 10 Muslims by 300 Rakhine people in Taungkup on the 3rd of June, was one of the shock wave of their intentional desires of Rakhine people. For Rakhine people, it was a part of fulfilling to the chapter of muslim-free-zones defined from 1983 which consists Gwa, Taungup, Tandwe and Ponnagyuan townships. There were several hundreds of Rohingyans were killed in similar way in these regions and such crime will be carried on until the government implement such draconian act.

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Aid Worker Diaries – Top 10 Critical Needs Facing Refugees & Persons Displaced in Emergencies

During the initial stages of a conflict or natural disaster, those who are forced to flee are particularly at risk—women, children and young people most of all.

The Women’s Refugee Commission has identified 10 pressing needs that must be met during the first weeks and months of an emergency to ensure the safety and well-being of refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs)*. Some 43 million people are currently uprooted from their homes by armed conflict and persecution.

1. Keep refugees and IDPs safe. Ensure that they are settled in a secure location away from borders and ongoing conflict.

2. Provide safe access to basic needs, including food, safe and appropriate cooking fuel, potable water, sanitation and shelter.

3. Communicate with the people most affected and ensure their safety whether or not they have legal status or official documents. Ensure every adult is provided with individual documentation that allows him or her to access key services.

4. Provide life-saving health care, including reproductive health care. Ensure there are enough health workers and all necessary medicines and supplies to prevent and respond to infectious diseases and other health needs. Establish priority reproductive health services for women and girls.

5. Prevent and respond to sexual violence. Protect women and children from sexual violence by ensuring safe access to food, cooking fuel, water, latrines and other basic necessities. Offer medical services and psychosocial support to survivors of sexual violence.

6. Reduce the transmission of HIV. Enforce use of infection control measures by health workers; make condoms freely available; and ensure blood for transfusion is safe by screening it for HIV and other blood-borne diseases.

7. Prevent excess maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity. Provide skilled birth attendants for normal births; manage obstetric complications at health facilities; establish 24-hour emergency referral system; provide contraceptives to meet demands; provide clean delivery kits to all visibly pregnant women.

8. Identify vulnerable individuals with specific needs, such as unaccompanied minors, child- or women-headed households, pregnant women, victims of trafficking and persons with disabilities. Secure their care and physical security. Monitor, report and respond to violations against children.

9. Provide education to children and young people. Offer structure for children and restore hope and a sense of normalcy in a safe, adult-supervised space. Teach basic literacy and numeracy skills, and provide vocational training for young people.

10. Provide economic opportunities and preserve existing economic assets. Build on refugees’ skills, taking into account local market needs, to provide the best chance for a sustainable income. Protect women and girls from sexual exploitation by providing them with economic opportunities.

* A refugee has crossed an international border; an internally displaced person (IDP) has fled from his or her home but is still in his or her own country.


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Sudan allows some overseas participation in conflict-torn state

The Sudanese government has agreed to involve some U.N. agencies and other international aid groups in assessing humanitarian needs in the state of South Kordofan.

The announcement, made on Sunday (Feb. 19) by social welfare minister Amira Al-Fadil, is the latest concession of the Sudanese government to international pressure to give foreign aid agencies greater access to the conflict-torn states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

The minister did stress that the United Nations and its partners must abide by conditions set by the Sudanese government and local officials of South Kordofan, the Sudan Tribune reports. International agencies will also have no direct involvement in aid delivery, the news agency adds.

Al-Fadil’s announcement came as U.N. Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos released a statement where she expressed concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the two Sudanese states. She urged the Sudanese government and the rebel group Sudan People’s Liberal Movement-North to heed a joint proposal by the United Nations, African Union and the Arab League for immediate aid access to South Kordofan and Blue Nile.



Selatan Sudan dan Sudan adalah dua negara yang aku jangka akan menghasilkan banyak konflik dan persengketaan, pertamanya, penubuhan Selatan Sudan adalah sesuatu yang sukar sebenarnya untuk diterima oleh penduduk Sudan. Kedua, asas agama pemerintah juga menjadi satu aspek dimana pemberitaan, pelaporan, huluran bantuan dan sebagainya akan sentiasa menjadi berat sebelah. Ini adalah bibit awal, dan aku tak terkejut, US akan turut campur tangan dalam sedikit masa lagi…


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SOUTH SUDAN: Worsening food crisis

JUBA, 20 February 2012 (IRIN) – An already dire food situation in South Sudan could deteriorate amid growing economic problems, food shortages and a mass influx of people fleeing Sudan in the next two months, agencies warn.

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) said that in South Sudan’s first year of statehood, half the population of about nine million people could face hunger.

Their Crop and Food Security Assessment report shows that for 2012, 4.7 million people will be food-insecure, up 1.4 million from last year, and the number of severely food-insecure will hit almost one million from 900,000 in 2011.

South Sudan will only produce about half the food it needs, with a cereal deficit of 470,000MT due to erratic rains and internal conflict displacing many away from fields.

Last month, a huge wave of ethnic violence in South Sudan’s largest state, Jonglei, affected more than 140,000 people and until peace talks are organized, the situation remains precarious.

In addition to a poor harvest, huge waves of returnees from Sudan or refugees fleeing violence across the border have compounded food shortages.

“If conflict continues to cause major population displacements and food prices keep rising, the report estimates that the number of people who are severely food-insecure could double,” a joint FAO-WFP statement warned.

“This is a rapidly approaching crisis that the world cannot afford to ignore,” said Chris Nikoi, WFP’s country director in South Sudan.

South Sudan’s Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Joseph Lual Achuil, urged people to try to salvage what they could from the planting season before the rains come or 1.7 million people would be “severely affected by starvation”.

“If we don’t do our best in order to rescue the situation now, 4.7 million will be without food, and if they are without food before the rain, after the rain what is going to happen? We are going to have a disaster,” he said.

Time and money running out

Food prices have skyrocketed since major trading partner Sudan closed its border months before South Sudan gained independence, with food from neighbouring countries hit by rising fuel prices, transportation costs and illegal taxation.

George Mabany, an aid worker in Bentiu, state capital of the oil-rich Unity state near Sudan’s border, said prices had tripled since May, when Sudanese troops occupied the contested region of Abyei and the borders closed.

Mabany said 1kg of grain had doubled in price to 100 pounds (US$28) as all food was now being trucked up from Uganda. The price of 50kg of sugar had tripled to 85 pounds ($24), he said.

Items such as eggs and onions were no longer available and while the market had a small amount of fruits and vegetables, nobody could afford them.

Depreciation of the South Sudanese pound has also caused a hike in prices. Dependent on oil for 98 percent of its revenues, South Sudan’s decision in late January to halt oil production in a bitter row with Sudan over transit fees could spark rampant inflation.

WFP only has about a third of the $250m needed to reach a planned 2.7m people this year, and only has a few months until the rains start to bring in enough food before large parts of the country are inaccessible by truck.

“Come May, the logistics capacity of moving large stocks around doesn’t exist any more because of the rains and the poor logistics of the country,” said Ramiro Lopes da Silva, deputy director of WFP. “At the moment, we don’t have enough money even for what we have planned already.”

“The situation is dire, and we are doing everything we can to be ready, but we are running out of time,” Nikoi said.

Fleeing starvation

Up to 500,000 people in two of Sudan’s war-torn border states could flee southwards when the rains come and there is nothing left from last year’s poor harvest.

Conflict broke out in South Kordofan in June when government forces clashed with those formerly loyal to South Sudan, and spread to neighbouring Blue Nile in September.

Sudan President Omar al-Bashir has refused to allow aid agencies into conflict areas, and frequent aerial bombardment and violence have forced more than 417,000 people to flee their homes and fields, according to the UN.

Some 80,000 people have already crossed into South Sudan, many suffering from malnutrition, malaria and pneumonia after months of hiding in the bush and scavenging food.

Princeton Lyman, US envoy to the two Sudans, has warned of an imminent famine if there is no intervention.

“What you have now is a sense of urgency. In a couple of months we are in what is typically the hunger season, both in Sudan and South Sudan, and obviously the impact on those populations is potentially very serious,” Da Silva said.

Rights group Amnesty International said that even six months ago, people scattered in the bush were surviving on dwindling food supplies and wild fruits.

“Civilians continue to live in precarious conditions with insufficient food, shelter or access to healthcare and in fear of being bombed. It is essential for the civilian population from these two areas to receive impartial humanitarian assistance,” AI’s UN ambassador Renzo Pomi said.

“There is a sense of urgency that the window for an effective intervention with the populations where they are is narrowing,” said Da Silva on negotiations with the North.

WFP has also been stopped from accessing stocks in Sudan to bring south of the border, so it is trucking food all the way from the Kenyan port of Mombasa.

Fears of mass deportations

Aid agencies are also extremely concerned about the fate of up to 700,000 southerners still thought to be living in the north, who face a deadline to get legal or get out by 8 April.

As relations sour between the two nations, there are fears that hundreds of thousands of people could descend on the impoverished south within months.

But provisions for how southerners can legalize themselves have yet to be made, while Khartoum has closed the port of Kosti where barges packed with thousands of people leave for the South.

South Sudan says trains have also been prevented from leaving, while the other options of flying and trucking people through dangerous territory filled with mines are unworkable for the numbers and time limit.

The UN has appealed for $763m for South Sudan in 2012, but says more will likely be needed with the expectation of more crises, while aid agencies are already struggling with the current caseload.

“Of course we’re not ready for any kind of major movement from the north to south, considering what we’re dealing with in South Sudan already – capacity is already extremely stretched,” UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos, said recently.

“I think that everyone needs to recognize that if we do have to face those challenges in the next two to three months, our resources will be extremely stretched,” she added.


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