Tag Archives: Al Qaeda


Apabila Tentera Amerika sekali lagi menimbulkan ketegangan di Afghanistan dengan isu pembakaran Al Quran di Markas Tentera Udaranya di Bagram ianya jelas menunjukkan bahawa Amerika termasuk NATO tidak pernah belajar apa-apa mengenai toleransi agama dan langsung tidak menghormati sensitiviti masyarakat setempat.

Ianya menjadi satu teladan buruk dan seluruh dunia kini mempunyai persepsi bahawa Amerika memang tidak pernah ikhlas dalam menjalin hubungan dengan masyarakat Islam dimana sahaja didalam dunia ini, ditambah dengan layanan kelas kedua kepada penduduk Islam di Amerika sendiri, dunia semakin pasti bahawa Amerika tidak pernah jujur dan serius dalam segala tindakannya yang bersangkutan dengan Islam dan umatnya.

Menyeret Presiden Obama untuk meminta maaf kepada Presiden Hamid Karzai adalah langkah paling akhir yang mampu difikir oleh pasukan PR di Rumah Putih bagi memulihkan keadaan yang semakin menegang di bumi yang pernah membenamkan negara Kesatuan Sosialis Soviet Russia (USSR). Akan tetapi Obama sendiri tahu bahawa Hamid Karzai tidak mempunyai apa-apa kuasa di luar tembok kota Kabul. Malah, Hamid Karzai hanya berkuasa di waktu siang sahaja di Kabul, di malam belum tentu siapa yang berkuasa di situ.

Terdahulu, dunia tergamam dan tentera Amerika telah dikecam hebat gara-gara anggota Marinnya kelihatan didalam satu paparan video disebuah laman maya sedang melakukan sesuatu yang jelas bertentangan dengan Konvensyen Geneva iaitu mengencing keatas mayat-mayat yang didakwa sebagai mayat anggota Taliban yang terbunuh didalam pertempuran. Perbuatan menghina dan memalukan mayat adalah sesuatu yang dikutuk didalam agama Islam, justeru perbuatan itu dianggap sebagai biadap dan dikira menghina Islam. Rakyat Afghanistan menjadi berang lantas mereka merusuh dan mendesak agar mereka yang terlibat diambil tindakan yang sewajarnya. Pemerintah tentera Amerika tidak punya banyak pilihan melainkan menjatuhkan hukuman setimpal kepada para tentera yang mengencing mayat-mayat tersebut.

Sebelum pada itu, tentera Amerika juga telah membangkitkan kemarahan penduduk tempatan apabila mereka memilih untuk mengaibkan mayat anggota Taliban yang terbunuh dalam satu pertempuran di Gumbad, Kandahar dengan cara membakar mayat-mayat tersebut. Peristiwa pembakaran mayat-mayat ini telah didedahkan oleh seorang wartawan Australia yang turut serta didalam operasi ketenteraan tersebut ketika itu. Pegawai Pemerintah Amerika apabila dihubungi berhubung isu ini telah berdolak dalik dengan menyatakan bahawa pembakaran mayat adalah dibenarkan dibawah Konvensyen Geneva bagi tujuan hygiene dan keagamaan. Lebih ironi lagi, mayat-mayat tersebut telah dihadapkan ke Mekah ketika dibakar.

Insiden demi insiden yang tercetus dikatakan berpunca daripada kecuaian pihak pemerintah tentera Amerika dalam memahamkan anggotanya mengenai budaya dan sensitiviti penduduk tempatan. Tetapi kepada penulis, ianya tidak begitu. Apa yang berlaku, sejujurnya adalah, Tentera Amerika tidak dapat menyorokkan pendirian sebenar mereka terhadap rakyat Afghanistan, pastinya, mereka masih dan tetap percaya bahawa serangan ke atas World Trade Centre direncanakan oleh pengganas yang menghuni dikawasan dunia yang serba mundur lagi gersang ini. Kebencian dan dendam ini diterjemahkan melalui tindakan dan layanan yang diberikan kepada rakyat Afghanistan melalui beberapa siri penghinaan yang bertali arus tanpa henti.

Penulis mempunyai pengalaman bergaul bersama masyarakat Afghanistan yang terdiri dari suku kaum Pashtu, Hazara, Uzbek dan lain-lain lagi di Afghanistan, juga bersama para pelarian Afghan yang mendiami pelbagai kem-kem pelarian dan penempatan pelarian di sepanjang sempadan Afghanistan-Pakistan, di Peshawar dan di wilayah Ningarhar. Penulis pernah berada di wilayah Afghanistan seperti Sherbagan, Jowjzan, Ningarhar, Parachinar, Kabul, pernah juga melalui Khyber Pass dan Salang Pass yang mahsyur itu.

Penulis berpengalaman mengembara dan bermusafir bersama mereka, memahami hati budi mereka dan budaya mereka. Penulis juga sempat merasakan keempat-empat musim di Afghanistan. Disini penulis suka untuk berkongsi serba sedikit mengenai masyarakat Afghan yang penulis kenali.

Masyarakat Afghanistan adalah satu masyarakat yang didominasi oleh kaum lelaki. Keputusan penting di buat oleh lelaki dan perlu dipatuhi. Menjadi anak lelaki merupakan suatu rahmat dan kelebihan bagi sesebuah keluarga. Anak perempuan kadangkala tidak termasuk didalam hitungan anak-anak yang mereka miliki. Kelahiran anak lelaki amatlah meriah dan diraikan manakala kelahiran anak perempuan adalah sepi dan seringkali ibu yang melahirkan dicerca kerana melahirkan bayi perempuan. Layanan kelas kedua kepada kaum wanita dianggap sudah baik daripada dilayan sebagai hamba abdi.

Golongan berpendidikan tinggi terutamanya di bidang agama sering dilantik menjadi pemimpin. Mereka juga sering diangkat bagi mengetuai dan menggerakkan sebarang organisasi. Nasihat mereka diperlukan dalam setiap tindakan. Ada kalanya mereka ini membantu membangunkan komuniti dan ada kalanya mereka juga menjadi sebahagian daripada kerosakan besar didalam komuniti.

Mereka mengamalkan Mazhab Hanafi dalam semua amalan agama mereka, terdapat sebahagian kecil yang mengamalkan Mazhab Shafie dan menjadi pengikut Syiah. Mereka amat fundamental dalam perlaksanaan agama. Perkara yang dikira furu’ dalam masyarakat kita boleh menjadi perkara asas dalam masyarakat mereka. Pada mereka orang lelaki Muslim yang tidak berjanggut tidak sempurna Islamnya, malah ada yang taksub mengatakan siapa yang tidak berjanggut adalah bukan Islam. Mereka kuat bersolat, solat sunat sebelum dan sesudah solat fardhu, paling kurang ialah empat rakaat dan mereka menganggap seolah-olah solat sunat itu solat wajib.

Dari segi keselamatan, boleh dikatakan hampir 100% setiap rumah Afghanistan memiliki senjata api, jika bukan AK-47 mungkin sepucuk pistol tersorok dimana-mana didalam rumah tersebut. Mereka kebiasaannya hidup didalam suasana “extended family”, dimana kesemua ahli keluarga dari berbagai generasi akan tinggal sekali dan saling bergantung antara satu sama lain. Ahli keluarga lelaki yang tertua dan masih sihat akan menjadi ketua keluarga.
Dalam perbualan, samada serius atau santai, sekiranya anda seorang lelaki, jangan sebut apa-apa mengenai orang perempuan. Ini merupakan satu pantang utama dalam budaya mereka. Bercerita tentang adik perempuan, kakak, makcik atau mana-mana saudara perempuan adalah perbuatan tercela yang akan menyebabkan mereka marah. Ianya kelihatan agak keterlaluan dan melampau, tetapi ianya merupakan satu nilai yang digunapakai dan diterima oleh rata-rata semua masyarakat Afghanistan. Jadi, jangan mengundang masalah dengan bertanya tentang adik perempuan atau kakak sesiapa secara terbuka didalam apa jua majlis.

Apa yang sebenarnya ingin penulis maksudkan ialah bahawa masyarakat Afghanistan disamping keramahan, keterbukaan dan kemesraan mereka dalam persahabatan, mereka mengamalkan satu budaya yang begitu tertutup, konservatif yang diwarisi sejak sekian lama. Mereka amat berpegang teguh kepada kepercayaan yang dianuti dan mereka telah terbukti sanggup bergadai nyawa bagi memelihara kesucian dan kemuliaan agama. Dan, perkara ini telah berjalan sejak sekian lama dan telah menjadi ciri-ciri bagi seorang Afghan.

Kesimpulan yang boleh penulis nukilkan, sekiranya Amerika masih lagi mahu mencuba-cuba untuk melakukan provokasi melampau di bumi Afghanistan, mereka jangan terkejut melihat penduduk dari seluruh Afghanistan bersatu dan menentang mereka, tanpa perlu Al Qaeda dan Taliban campurtangan, mereka akan bangkit bersatu mengusir Amerika dari bumi Afghanistan. Mereka telah buktikan dengan menghalau British dan Russia suatu ketika dahulu. Amerika sedang menunggu detik masanya sahaja.

SHAHRUL PESHAWAR, menulis dari Gombak


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The Uighur Massacre: We don’t need your solidarity Al-Qaeda!

Media Statement 15th July 2009

The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia aligns itself with the rest of the world in condemning the recent unrest in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region caused by the Chinese Government’s mishandling of an alleged delicate internal matter. While we see that the root cause of this problem is simply human greed and arrogance, we strongly feel that there is no justification for the actions by the Chinese government in creating the conditions that caused the conflict and participating in fueling further the recent violence in Urumqi.

We are also extremely appalled by the apparent call for reprisals made by the Algerian-based offshoot of Al-Qaeda in Morocco (p.23 NST 15 July 2009) which does not in any way help to end the unrest. Violence begets violence; the only solution to this issue is through peaceful resolution and not conflicted approach. Al Qaeda and the likes are at best short-sighted and opportunistic political groups that have manipulated Muslim sentiments; their threat no longer originates from the secluded areas of the borderlands, but from its extremist symbolism that has long since metastasized to other organizations and individuals of the Muslim world.

Death totals and injury figures increase daily. The factory violence, rumors of this incident, and the government’s inaction, sparked an estimated 10,000 Uighur protestors to take to the streets in Urumqi. Heavy-handed policing toward Uighurs is thought to have played a role in turning the initially peaceful protests in Urumqi into violent riots. It is probable that the substantial influx of Han Chinese to the region has played a role in the current unrest. China’s Uighurs are undoubtedly amongst the most repressed peoples of the world.

Unlike the violent reaction called for by the Algerian-based offshoot of Al-Qaeda in Morocco, we reiterate the call by our fellow civil society organizations on the Chinese government:

• To allow external, impartial observers and journalists to report the unrest in an uncensored manner;

• To carry out an open and independent investigation into the ethnic clash and deaths that took place in Guangdong in late June.

• To deal with the protestors in a proportionate and even-handed manner and provide those arrested with fair trials in accordance with international standards. Adequate investigations on the circumstances surrounding all deaths should be carried out.

• To respect and provide opportunities for Uighurs to enjoy their human rights including their religious and cultural rights.

• To abandon the policy of changing the demography of the region through Han migration and trying to assimilate them into the Han community.

• To recognize and give effect to the right of self-determination of the Uighurs in accordance with international law and China’s own grant of autonomy to the region.

• To establish inter-ethnic goodwill councils to address inter-ethnic problems and promote unity through peaceful conflict resolution.

There is an extremely urgent need for the world community to end all the continued brutalities, murders and violence against Muslims and other minorities. Al-Qaeda’s response aggravates but does not alleviate. Our failure in this instance and like instances to do so reflects a condoning of violence and discrimination and proves that the mere passage of resolutions of condemnation is not the answer.

Azril Mohd Amin
Vice President Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia

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UNICEF: Children and women displaced by conflict in Pakistan need urgent and ongoing support


Source: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Date: 03 Jul 2009 GENEVA, 3 July 2009

UNICEF is deeply concerned about the condition of thousands of children who have been displaced by conflict, or who remain in affected areas, in north-western Pakistan.

Nearly 50 per cent of the estimated 2 million displaced are children, many of whom are in urgent need of health and educational services, nutritional support, access to clean water and sanitation as well as protection. Their situation has been compounded by the harsh summer temperatures.

UNICEF is especially concerned that some 700,000 children are due to start the new school year in September in 3,700 schools that are currently occupied by 150,000 IDPs. If these schools are not vacated and rehabilitated soon, the education of all these children will be interrupted. Some of these children could even drop out of the education system permanently.

The speed and magnitude of the crisis has stretched the capacity of the government, host communities and humanitarian actors to the limit. Though fighting is reported to have subsided in Swat and Buner, IDPs continue to seek refuge in camps and communities in northern parts of North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and new displacements are being recorded into southern parts of the province due to military operations in South Waziristan.

“In Pakistan we face a unique humanitarian challenge, since the vast majority of the displaced are seeking shelter in host communities which are far more difficult to reach with basic services than in the camps,” said UNICEF’s Director of Emergency Programmes, Louis-Georges Arsenault.

While basic needs are being met in camps, the situation is critical for the vast majority of IDPs living in host communities. In the thousands of school buildings that have been converted into IDP shelters and other spontaneous camps that have sprung up throughout parts of NWFP to cope with the influx of people from conflict-affected areas, children and families are living in cramped conditions with limited to negligible access to safe drinking water and sanitation – and are difficult to reach with basic hygiene materials and education to decrease the likelihood of water borne diseases.

At equal risk are host communities who are shouldering the burden with limited resources and fragile infrastructure in the aftermath of food prices spikes that took root in 2007. UNICEF is working closely with the government of Pakistan and other partners to provide services and information to displaced children and women.

To prevent the outbreak of diseases, over 200,000 children have been vaccinated against measles and 230,000 people receive safe drinking water and hygiene education in IDP camps and communities. To date, 47,400 children and 20,400 mothers have been screened for malnutrition, and the 11,000 moderately malnourished have received care within their own communities. While malnutrition rates are presently low, the vulnerability of the population requires sustained support to prevent the situation from deteriorating rapidly.

The Pakistan Humanitarian Response Plan, revised in May to cope with new displacements caused by the military operations in Swat and Buner, has so far raised less than a third of the $543 million required to support 1.7 million IDPs for six months. As part of the Appeal, UNICEF requested $52 million. To date $22.5 million has been received from donors and is in hand –and another $9.3 million has been pledged. “Without sufficient funding, it will be impossible to ensure that thousands of children and families affected by the conflict have the services and support they require in the time of their greatest need. Equally important is support to the host communities who are struggling to cope with their new found burden,” said Arsenault.


UNICEF is on the ground in over 150 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS.

In Pakistan and elsewhere, it has provided vital relief and reconstruction support to help individuals rebuild their lives after emergencies. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.

For further information, please contact:

Kathryn Grusovin, UNICEF Islamabad, Tel +92-300-5018542, E-mail: kgrusovin@unicef.org.

A Sami Malik, UNICEF Islamabad, Tel +92-300-8556654, E-mail: asmalik@unicef.org.


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Filed under Bencana Alam, Bencana Manusia

Suspected US missile kills 20 in Pakistan



ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – A suspected U.S. missile strike by a drone aircraft flattened a militant hide-out in northwest Pakistan on Saturday, killing 20 local and foreign insurgents, intelligence officials said.

At least 15 militants were also wounded in the attack in the restive South Waziristan tribal region, where Pakistan has launched several military operations against the Taliban, al-Qaida and their local supporters in recent years.

The Taliban surrounded the targeted house and transported the dead and wounded out, said three intelligence officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media

No government or military spokesmen were available for comment.

Pakistan is a key ally of the United States in its fight against terrorism, but it has opposed missile strikes in the country’s tribal regions where Taliban and al-Qaida insurgents are believed to be operating.

The U.S. has launched more than 30 missile attacks in recent months.

Saturday’s attack came days after Pakistani leaders told Richard Holbrooke, an American envoy dispatched by President Barack Obama to the region, that the U.S. attacks should be stopped as they were counterproductive and fueling anti-America sentiment in this Islamic nation.

It also came a day after a militant group holding an American employee of the United Nations warned it would kill him within 72 hours and issued a grainy video of the blindfolded captive saying he was “sick and in trouble.”

SHAHRUL PESHAWAR – Continuous attack on Pakistani land by American Forces will only spark the anger of the people and may jeopardize any effort or attempt to release John Solecki.  Personally, I feel that US is not serious in releasing Solecki.

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Filed under Afghanistan, Bencana Manusia, Humanitarian

Bali bombers buried after execution


JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) — Three men executed for the deadly 2002 bombings of two nightclubs in Bali, Indonesia, were buried Sunday, before hundreds of emotional supporters.

 Relatives and supporters of Imam Samudra carry his body during a funeral Sunday in Serang, Indonesia.

Early Sunday, the three convicted bombers were executed by firing squad. Imam Samudra, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim and his brother Mukhlas, who is also known as Ali Ghufron, were executed at 12:15 a.m. at Nusa Kampangan prison, said Jasman Panjaitan, a spokesman for Indonesia’s attorney-general.

Autopsies were performed on the men before the bodies were turned over to their families, Panjaitan said.

The bombers’ bodies were taken by helicopters to Tenggulun and Serang, cities in East and West Java province respectively, where thousands of sympathizers and onlookers turned out Sunday for their funeral processions.

In Tenggulun, at least one police officer was injured by “pushing and shoving” between police and funeral-goers.

Some supporters of the bombers, who never expressed remorse for their actions, shouted “God is great!” and called the men holy warriors, The Associated Press reported.

Samudra was returned to his family in Serang for a funeral, news services reported.

The deadly bombing ripped through two popular nightclubs in Kuta, on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, in October 2002.

The blasts killed 202 people — more than half foreign tourists — and injured more than 300. Dozens of victims were burned beyond recognition or blown to pieces by the massive blasts.

Among the dead were 88 Australians, 28 Britons and eight Americans, The Associated Press reported.

Peter Hughes, 48, who survived the bombings, said news of the executions took him back to “the actual moment” when the first bomb went off.

“We had to fight for our life pretty hard back then, and it’s a been a struggle every day since,” Hughes said.

More than half of his body was burned, and he had horrific cuts, he said. He said it took two years to recover from his injuries.

“I guess I’m truly lucky,” he said. “But you know, the scars on the outside to me aren’t so bad, but it’s what’s on the inside. You cope [with] it mentally, and I guess that’s the worst scar of all.

“You’re living that every day. And every day you’re actually going through it. It’s just a battle,” he said. “These three bombers who have been executed, it’s all over for them now, but I have to get up tomorrow and do exactly the same thing.”

Authorities blame the attacks on the al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah, which aims to create a Muslim “superstate” across much of Southeast Asia.

Amrozi’s and Mukhlas’ brother, Ja’far Shodeq, said he still believes that his siblings were innocent.

He claimed that Amrozi was in their hometown, Tenggulun, the night of the attack watching football, despite Amrozi’s admission to CNN that he bought the explosive ingredients and the van used in the attack.

“It’s been a long journey, and it’s been six long years for this to work its way through the Indonesian judicial system, but it’s a good day because at least justice has been delivered, and the three people who were most responsible for this truly horrific atrocity have finally met the fate that they deserve,” said Sananand Dhume, author of “My Friend the Fanatic: Travels with an Indonesian Islamist.”

The men showed neither fear nor remorse in recent interviews with CNN. They had asked to be beheaded, saying it was the Islamic way of execution, but the execution was accomplished by firing squad.

A lawyer for the men said he sent a letter to the president of Indonesia but would not say what the letter said.

Speculation had grown in recent days that the executions were imminent when graves were dug in Tenggulun, in Indonesia’s East Java province.

One grave was dug this week for the brothers in the same cemetery where their father is buried.

On Saturday, Amrozi’s two wives and daughter, his brother’s two wives and the men’s brothers traveled to Nusakambangan Prison in central Java, where the men were executed, according to Antara, the national news agency of Indonesia. The agency quoted Abu Sholeh, head of the village of Tenggulun.


Maria Kotronakis of Sydney, Australia, whose two sisters were killed, said she was angry that the men never showed remorse, but with the executions, “justice has been served.”

“By executing them, the Indonesian government has said, ‘No terrorists allowed,'” she added.

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Iraqis still at the top of the asylum seeker table, despite drop

GENEVA, October 17 (UNHCR) – A UN refugee agency report released on Friday shows that the number of Iraqis seeking asylum in industrialized countries dropped in the first six months of this year, but they were still by far the top nationality seeking asylum in these destinations.

According to the asylum trends report, the number of claims made by Iraqis (19,500) during the first six months of 2008, was higher than the combined number of asylum claims submitted by citizens of the Russian Federation (9,400) and China (8,700), the second and third most important source countries. Other important countries of origin of asylum seekers were Somalia (7,400), Pakistan and Afghanistan (6,300 each).

Compared to the previous six months, however, the number of Iraqi asylum seekers fell by 18 percent and by 10 percent compared to the first half of 2007. In spite of this downward trend, Iraqis still accounted for 12 percent of all asylum applications lodged in the industrialized world.

Sixty percent of all Iraqis claimed asylum in only four countries: Sweden (20 percent), Germany (18 percent), Turkey (14 percent) and the Netherlands (12 percent). One in five of all applications by Iraqis were submitted in Sweden (3,900), which has been the main destination country for Iraqi asylum seekers for some time.

Arrivals in Sweden, however, have seen a recent drop following a change in Swedish decision-making on Iraqi asylum claims, which has resulted in fewer Iraqis submitting applications. At the same time, applications by Iraqis have gone up in Germany, the Netherlands and Norway. Germany, for example, received 3,400 Iraqi asylum claims in the first half of 2008, the same level as in the preceding six months, but four times more than in the first half of 2007.

Overall, an estimated 165,100 asylum claims were submitted by all nationalities in the industrialized countries during the first half of 2008.

The United States remained the largest single recipient of new claims by asylum seekers of all nationalities during the first six months of 2008. An estimated 25,400 individuals submitted asylum applications in the US, representing 15 percent of all applications lodged in the 44 industrialized countries covered by the report.

Canada ranked second country of destination with 16,800 applications by asylum seekers of all nationalities during the first six months of 2008, followed by France, the United Kingdom and Sweden.

The number of asylum claims submitted in industrialized countries in 2007 rose by 9 percent compared to 2006. This upward trend has continued during the first half of this year, with data showing an increase of 3 percent compared to the first half of 2007.

Assuming that current patterns remain unchanged during the next six months, UNHCR expects the number of asylum claims lodged during the whole of 2008 to reach up to 360,000, or 10 percent higher than in 2007.

SHAHRUL PESHAWAR – No stability and conditions are still dangerous and uncontrollable.

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Ramadhan Appeal

Mr. President, United States of America

Do not torture these prisoners. Do not abuse the privileges given to you.

Visit these websites to find more…








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Filed under Humanitarian, Inilah dunia

Five NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan: ISAF

KABUL (AFP) – Bomb blasts killed five NATO soldiers in Afghanistan on Friday, the alliance force said, in the latest in a surge of extremist attacks that have raised alarm about deteriorating security.

Five Afghan policemen were also killed in an overnight bomb attack that was similar to scores carried out by the hardline Taliban group waging an insurgency after being driven from government in 2001.

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) did not release the nationalities of its soldiers killed in eastern provinces along the border with Pakistan, where extremist rebels are said to have sanctuary.

Four died with a civilian interpreter in the eastern province of Kunar, ISAF said in a statement that gave few details. Another died in a similar blast in Khost, it said separately.

Most soldiers deployed in both provinces are US nationals who make up about half of the nearly 70,000 international troops helping the Afghan government fight a spiralling insurgency.

The new deaths take to 149 the number of mostly Western soldiers to die in Afghanistan this year, a majority losing their lives in attacks. For the past three months, more foreign troops have died in Afghanistan than in Iraq.

The five Afghan policemen were killed late Thursday in the volatile southern province of Kandahar, a Taliban stronghold.

They were on patrol in Pajwayi when a remote-controlled bomb blew up their vehicle, deputy district police chief Bismillah Khan told AFP. Two other officers were wounded, he said.

About 800 Afghan security forces — mostly police — have been killed so far this year, according to the interior ministry.

Hundreds of civilians have also died in violence, most of them in attacks by Islamic extremists who regularly abduct and kill Afghans working with the government as part of their bloody campaign of intimidation.

The Taliban said Friday it had kidnapped a district governor in Kunar province.

Provincial governor Fazlullah Wahedi confirmed that Marawara district chief Abdul Ghayas Haqmal was missing. “We don’t know who have kidnapped him,” he said.

Haqmal had last month thwarted a Taliban attack on a district in Kunar.

Elsewhere, in southwestern Nimroz province, a 14-year-old boy trying to flee police blew himself up after the officers opened fire, killing three passers-by and wounding five others, provincial governor Gulam Dastgir Azad told AFP.

The Taliban launched their insurgency after being ousted from government in a US-led invasion nearly seven years ago after they did not hand over their Al-Qaeda allies for the September 11, 2001 attacks.

The violence has grown year on year, ruining the post-Taliban government’s hopes of rebuilding a country destroyed by decades of war.

An umbrella body of aid groups said Friday that insurgent attacks, bombings and other violent incidents were up by about 50 percent this year compared with the same period last year.

Unrest has spread to once stable areas and welfare agencies were forced to scale back aid delivery even as drought and food price hikes put millions of people in difficulty, the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief said.

“This year 2,500 people have reportedly lost their lives in the conflict and whilst exact figures are not yet available, this could include up to 1,000 civilians,” the group said in a statement.

“So far this year 19 NGO staff have been killed, which already exceeds the total number of NGO workers killed last year.”

Officials have also said that recent attacks showed more sophistication and planning while more foreign fighters — including Pakistanis, Turks, Chechens, Arabs and Uzbeks — were on the battlefield.


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Al-Qaeda draws more foreign recruits

PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN — Afghanistan has been drawing a fresh influx of
jihadi fighters from Turkey, Central Asia, Chechnya and the Middle
East, one more sign that al-Qaeda is regrouping on what is fast
becoming the most active front of the war on terrorist groups.

More foreigners are infiltrating Afghanistan because of a recruitment
drive by al-Qaeda as well as a burgeoning insurgency that has made
movement easier across the border from Pakistan, U.S. officials,
militants and experts say. For the past two months, Afghanistan has
overtaken Iraq in deaths of U.S. and allied troops, and nine American
soldiers were killed at a remote base in Kunar province Sunday in the
deadliest attack in years.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff,
warned during a visit to Kabul this month about an increase in foreign
fighters crossing into Afghanistan from Pakistan, where a new
government is trying to negotiate with militants.

Two U.S. officials said that the United States is closely monitoring
the flow of foreign fighters into both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Afghan National Army soldiers stand around the dead bodies of Taliban
militants after they were killed in a failed ambush on Afghan forces
in Qara Bagh district of Ghazni province on Tuesday.
Enlarge Image

Jihadist websites from Chechnya to Turkey to the Arab world featured
recruitment ads as early as 2007 calling on the “lions of Islam” to
fight in Afghanistan, said Brian Glyn Williams, associate professor of
Islamic history at the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Williams has
tracked the movement of jihadis for the U.S. military’s Combating
Terrorism Center at West Point.

Local Afghans in the border regions are increasingly concerned about
the return of the Araban or Ikhwanis, as Arab fighters are known in
the Pashtun language, Dr. Williams wrote in a CTC paper. He said there
were rumours of hardened Arab fighters from Iraq training Afghan
Pashtuns in the previously taboo tactic of suicide bombing.

Turkey also appears to have emerged as a source of recruits. Dr.
Williams estimated that as many as 100 Turks had made their way to
Pakistan to join the fight in Afghanistan.

“The story of Turkish involvement in transnational jihadism is one of
the best kept stories of the war on terror,” said Dr. Williams, who
noted that al-Qaeda videos posted on YouTube mention Turks engaging in
the insurgency. “The local Afghans whom I talked to claim that the
Turks and other foreigners are more prone to suicidal assaults than
the local Taliban.”

Dozens of Turkish Islamic militants have trained in al-Qaeda camps in
Afghanistan and taken part in attacks there, said Emin Demirel, an
anti-terrorism expert in Turkey. He said images of attacks on mosques
or Muslim villages provide propaganda for recruiting young Turkish

“Nowadays, they are effectively using the Internet to communicate with
fellow militants, and police have difficulty in keeping tabs on
several of the jihadist sites,” said Mr. Demirel, author of several
books on Turkish Islamic militant groups. “Turkish courts sometimes
locally block access to one particular site, but it is still accessed
outside Turkey. Those websites eulogize fallen fighters as martyrs in
order to recruit among radical Muslim youths.”

One example was Cuneyt Ciftci, the German-born son of Turkish
immigrants, who took the Arabic nom de guerre of Saad Abu Furqan. In a
video obtained last March by The Associated Press, the 28-year-old was
shown giving a final hug goodbye to some friends before blowing
himself up outside a U.S. military base in eastern Afghanistan.

A Turkish news website, Uslanmam, said an Uzbek militant group called
Islamic Jihad Union claimed responsibility and eulogized Ciftci as
“the brave Turk who has left his luxury life in Germany and came here
to go to paradise.”

Just a couple of weeks later, newspapers in Pakistan reported that
four Turkish nationals with suspected links to al-Qaeda had been
arrested by authorities on a bus. They were found with explosives,
ammunition and jihadi sites on their laptop computers.

Al-Qaeda’s recruitment drive stems from a slow and steady resurgence
that started in 2002, according to Taliban sources.

“They are awake,” said Qari Mohammed Yusuf, who Afghan authorities
confirm is a senior Taliban. “They have people going by different
names to other countries. They are coming and going easily. In the
last year, they have been organizing more day by day.”

Al-Qaeda has financed the Taliban in both Pakistan and Afghanistan,
Mr. Yusuf said. In the chaos created by the Taliban groups, al-Qaeda
has been able to steadily recruit, re-establish its public relations
wing, plot new attacks and re-establish areas of operation on both
sides of the border.

Naseer Ahmed al-Bahri, who was Mr. bin Laden’s bodyguard until 2000,
said in Yemen last year that al-Qaeda has field commanders in
countries from Indonesia to Senegal.

BASELESS ALLEGATION for the sake of reporting only.  NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE can be shared and it is merely a hearsay and rumours only  – shahrul peshawar


Filed under Inilah dunia

‘Al-Qaeda links’ to Istanbul attack

By David O’Byrne, Istanbul


Aftermath of the attack at the US consulate in Istanbul (9 July 2008)

Turkey has seen armed attacks from a variety of groups over the years

With the identity of three of the four armed men who attacked the US consulate in Istanbul now clearer, speculation is mounting that the attack was the work of a Turkish terror group linked to al-Qaeda.

Reports in the Turkish media have quoted unnamed police officials as confirming that the three attackers who died in the incident have been identified as Turkish citizens from the east of the country, and members of a Turkish Sunni Islamic fundamentalist group.

That group, the Great Eastern Islamic Raiders Front, or IBDA-C as it is more commonly known, is thought to have links to al-Qaeda.

According to some reports, the police have also confirmed that the three had only recently returned to Turkey after a period of time in Afghanistan, which has led to speculation that they may have received training from a militant group.


The attack on Wednesday morning resulted in the deaths of three of the four attackers and three policemen, as well as the wounding of another policeman and a truck driver.

Officials are continuing to appeal to the public for information which could lead to the capture of the fourth attacker and the driver of a grey Ford Focus car – which carried the attackers to the consulate and escaped with the fourth attacker, who is believed to have been wounded.

Following the identification of the attackers, Istanbul police raided a number of addresses across the city and were reported as having taken three people into custody for questioning.

Their names have not been released and no announcement has been made as to their possible connection to the attack.

As yet no clear motive for the attack has been identified and it is still unclear whether the attackers were trying to force entry into the consulate compound or, as some media reports have claimed, simply to attack Turkish police guarding the compound.

Bomb attacks

Founded in the 1970s with the stated aim of re-establishing the Islamic Caliphate in a single united Sunni Islamic state, IBDA-C began using violence to further its aims in the 1990s.

It conducted bomb attacks on bars, restaurants and churches, which resulted in the capture and imprisonment of the group’s leaders.

In 2003, the group claimed responsibility for devastating bombings of the British consulate in Istanbul, the local headquarters of the HSBC bank and two synagogues, which together which left 58 dead, including British Consul General Roger Short.

Although last year saw the jailing of 48 people for their roles in the bombings – seven of them for life – their connection with IBDA-C is still unclear.

Turkish officials have always maintained that the bombings were the work of a separate group with direct links to al-Qaeda, known as the “Warriors for Islam” and that IBDA-C lacked the organisational ability to launch such a complex operation.

If the perpetrators of the latest attack are found to be members of IBDA-C and the reports of their recent return from Afghanistan prove to be true, the Turkish police may be forced to rethink their opinion of the group.

Abstracted from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7498772.stm

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